Meet Kate

Welcome, I am Kate and the founder of Nurtured Neuro Kids – family coaching that supports neurodivergent children and families.

I have always had a curious brain, and wanted to know ‘why’. Why do people do the things that they do and what motivates them? My natural curiosity to understand people and how their brains worked, led me into studying child psychology and education at University. During my degree I spent a lot of time in schools, working alongside Educational Psychologists and providing 1 to 1 support for a family with an autistic son. I then went on to train as a teacher and worked in primary schools for 15 years, supporting hundreds of neurodivergent children and families.

As a parent to a neurodivergent child, we often face misunderstanding, judgement, criticism and both professionals and friends/family questioning our reality. Being able to empathise with my clients, and share not only years of professional experience but also my lived experience as a parent to a neurodivergent child, means that I ‘get it’.

One thing I can promise you is that I really do understand x

I am passionate about…

  • Supporting parents to better understand their child and their specific needs.

  • Empowering parents to advocate for their children's needs to be met in their education setting.

  • Supporting parents to nurture their children’s self-esteem and find a positive neurodivergent identity. 

  • Helping parents to understand their child’s behaviour and, in doing so, be more confident in knowing what strategies work best for them.

  • Creating the right environment for neurodivergent children to thrive!

School support

- Understanding your child's educational rights and support to advocate in school for their needs to be met

- Choosing the right school (mainstream / independent / specialist provision) including detailed school search reports

- Discussions around EHCPs, ensuring needs are being met by the school and advocating for changes to the EHCP if needed

- Reduced timetable or flexi school options

- Home education (including support or advice around deregistering a child from school)

Support around diagnosis

- Understanding a diagnosis and what it means for your child and your family

- Discussing different assessment options for an autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia or sensory processing assessment

- Help in finding the right local professionals and clinics for your child’s assessment

Some of the many areas I support families with are:

Behaviour support

- Understanding your child’s behaviour and how best to support them at home and in school

- Meltdowns, dysregulation and challenging behaviour support

- Understanding emotional regulation and how best to support your child

- Supporting with EBSA (emotional based school avoidance)

- Support for anxiety, low self esteem and confidence

- PDA and low demand parenting

Home and family support

- Creating regulation support at home and in school

- Sleep support, including creating a low arousal bedtime routine

- Supporting NT and ND siblings

- Concerns around selective eating

- Developing routines at home, including hygiene routines

- Planning for changes to routine e.g. school holidays, Christmas, holidays abroad, moving house 

“It is clear that Kate cares deeply for every family and child she advocates for”

“Kate has always supported our family with sensitivity, compassion and a calm approach”

“Kate has always been there to reassure me along our journey, guiding us through challenges and celebrating our wins”

“Kate’s genuine dedication to helping parents like me to navigate the often challenging landscape of SEND is truly incredible”